THE BAND..... |
MICHAEL WOLFF Lead & rhythm Guitars | As of 2000, has been playing guitar for 20 years. Currently working as a Freelance graphic artist. A rather good one, If I do say so MYSELF! |
DAVE DUKART Lead & rhythm Guitars | with 20 years experience playing guitar. Dave is a Systems Development researcher for Motorola. |
MAX WOLFF Drums & Percussion | Berklee graduate. He has Bachelor's degree in music performance. Drummer extraodinare. Has been playing for around 17 years. |
CHRIS DEFELICE MEMORIAL Vocals & Guitar "Features" | Chris is a monster. He is influenced greatly by jazz & shread. He has been playing guitar for 102 years. He sings with the greatest of ease. CHRIS DIED AUGUST 5TH, 2000. We will miss him dearly. |
ROCK ROLLAIN Bass Guitar & Drule | Rock is trouble...If you are too close to the stage, you might get something nasty on ya... Bass guru! (Old picture of when Rockman was in a Kiss tribute band...) He'll thump it out with the best of 'em! |
CLICK DEMON TO RECITE THE MAGIK WORDS OF PASSAGE.... | 2nd Are you sure you know the words? | ( ) CLICK PUNKIN' HED, TO CONTINUE.... |