The Sloth Frenzy Biography...
Sloth Frenzy, Based out of Tempe, Arizona has been in existence since February of 1996.
Founded by Guitarist Mike Wolff, Drummer Max Wolff and Guitarist Dave Dukart united from various local bands to form the rarity that is SLOTH FRENZY.
To retain the integrity of the music, months elapsed before the addition of Vocalist Chris Defelice and Bassist Rock Rollain. This completed the line-up in late 1999.
With the thematic influences of Science (Fact &Fiction), Horror and Harsh reality along with the musical styles of Death Metal, Melodic and Power Groove, Sloth Frenzy incorporates odd time signatures, layered guitar passages and dynamic drumming along with aggressive vocals.
Sloth Frenzy has performed many headline shows, opened up for several National Acts and have recently recorded their self produced debut CD entitled "Slow Murder".